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Ally of Justice |
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Jun Togo |
Some comments on this picture book; "Ally of justice" - Mental exercise to heal good and evil addiction
I wrote this picture book for those who already understood to some extent about good and evil addiction, as one of the psychology exercise to find out a remaining illusion of good and evil in their minds.
So I am not trying to add a more explanation by this book about the mental problem.
After reading this picture book, if you have a question in your mind like,
"Is it bad to fight against what is bad?" "Is it wrong to fight for the sake of justice?”
please read the writer's other picture books and writings.
"Ally of Justic" in Japanese (正義の味方)
The Dominion of Good and Evil (A Collective Diagram of Psychological Tricks)
This picture book mainly focuses on the area highlighted in red (click on the diagram to enlarge)
The words "good and evil" are almost completely integrated in our subconscious with a collection of dozens of psychological tricks. Each psychological trick is organically intertwined, forming an invisible, complex, and enormous system.
Top page -Peace Picturebooks
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