The orders of good and evil
organizations etc.
Love it
Be kind to it
Protect it
Empathise with it
Understand it
Forgive it
Release it
Re: acts
Do it
You must do it
You should do it
You are permitted
to do it
organizations etc.
Be angry at it/
hate it
Be cold to it
Attack it
Don't empathise with it
Don't understand it
Don't forgive it
Oppress it
Re: acts
Don't do it
You must not do it
You should not do it
You are prohibited
from doing it

The change of judgement/recognition of good and evil works as a changeover switch between the left and the right on the above list. I will show some concrete instances as follows.

  • * Murder is evil. (=Don't murder. @the order which prohibits this act.)
  • * To help somebody in trouble is good. (=Help someone in trouble. @the order which means "do this act"
  • * He is evil. (=Hate him. @the order to oppress the object.)

Now I would like to ask you to direct your attention to the fact that the orders of right and wrong are issued not in an imperative form (like a conditioned response), so it is possible that you may not notice the fact that you issued the orders/or were given the orders, unless you are very careful.

As an example, please compare the following 2 sentences.


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