Open your eyes!

"Love good and hate evil!"
--For this purpose, you have to divide everything by good and evil first.
"Is he good or bad?"
"The politician is evil!"
"We are the allies of justice. You are not. Becaaaaause…"
--People easily get excited in dividing good and evil like this, and this practice of judgment would most likely become their mental habits.
Now what happens when people think someone is bad?
They would automatically hate them. As to hate evil however…
Most of the sadness and unhappiness in the human world has been caused from hatred between people, hasn't it?
- To hate a person is to believe you hate evil
- To kill a person is to believe you kill the demon
--Both are false illusions.
If you are illusive, you cannot see the reality. If you cannot see reality, you cannot see the sadness and unhappiness in the real world - then it is easy to become violent.
I am not saying that hating is evil.
- When you hate people, please hate people. …Now, you can see the sadness, can't you?
- When you kill humans, please kill humans. …Now, you can see the unhappiness, can't you?
--Now please open your eyes and look at the devil.
Does it have a tail and horns? …If not, the devil is then really human!
People cannot kill real demons. Even more, how can you fight against the concept of evil/grouping tag?
What people are able to do in the real world is only to injure and kill people.
When one acts in accordance with these false illusions, what he/she gets is only the outcome which he/she never wanted. It is not because he/she is evil but because it is a natural rule of cause and effect.
--Of course, I know that there are many people who do horrible things akin to the demon.
In that case, it is extremely important for you to open your eyes to the reality, to seek the real cause and to choose the most effective way among the infinite counter measures.
- Are they scared?…What is the cause of their fear?…Let's find out the cause and get rid of it.
- Are they upset? …What is the cause of their anger?…If it was your fault, why don't you apologize?
- Are they desperate? …Let's find out dreams together.
- Do they have mental sickness? …Try to heal them.
- Are they trapped in a false illusion of good and evil? …Why don't you pass this message?
However, what happens if you first close your eyes to the very reality that people are people?
May I ask you a favor?
Please spread my message to as many people as possible.
People are excited about the game of grouping good and evil, closing their eyes against the real cause of sadness and unhappiness---they fall into illusions which is "To fight against evil"---they throw away all infinite counter measures except hatred---they create more unhappiness and sadness---they are horrified and close their eyes against the outcome which they had never intended---they are devoted to themselves in the game of grouping good and evil… for over thousands of years all over the world---
Open your eyes!

Short Messages
If you uphold your fist against men who are scared of darkness and who consequently turn violent, they will surely get more violent.
…What they need is warmth and an awareness/torch to light up the darkness, don't they?
This is why we use picture books for our peace movement.
"I could never, ever think that he is not evil!"
"You are just angry, aren't you?"
It is not a conflict between good and evil. It is a conflict created by good and evil.

You say to love goodness …What about human beings?
#Safety is free of charge. #Safety is to be purchased by weapons and money.
Which future do you choose?
Which do you prefer?
#Forgiveness because of apology. #Condemnation because of apology.
"Well,is it black or white!?"
"But it's red, yellow, green, blue, purple..."
Rules exist for the sake of humans. Humans exist for the sake of rules.
Which do you believe?
I do not know anything more discriminatory than calling someone evil.

If people choose a dictator, is it dictatorship or democracy?
If people choose fascism, is it fascism or democracy?
If a King announces peace to save people's lives, is it dictatorship or democracy?
Nobody is saying you are evil. All we are saying is that your enemy is not evil.
Do you hate to overcome hatred?
…We rely on picture books to send the message of Wa(harmony), because
we believe that this is the most effective way to achieve peace…

♪Open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes from the bottom of your heart.
♪Good and evil. Counting them make 2. Compared to the 12 star signs they are but a few.
What for do you divide people into 2, except for in conflicts and wars?
♪♪Open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes from the center of your body.
Good and evil. Even including neutral make 3. Fewer than the number of religions, o can't you see?
What for do you divide the world into 2, except for hatred and murders?
♪♪♪Open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes from the bottom of your heart. Open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes from the center of your body.
Open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes from the bottom of your heart. Open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes from the center of your body.